Yo, listen up, I’m here to school ya
On the legal code, the laws and how they rule ya
You wanna know the best books to understand law
Essential reading for legal knowledge, this ain’t just folklore

When you’re in trouble and you need a hand
Check out this law firm in Miami, they’ll help you stand
Experienced attorneys and top-notch legal services
They’ll fight for your rights with no compromises

Can’t afford a lawyer, need some legal aid
Find out about the legal aid bureau eligibility, don’t be afraid
Determine if you qualify for free legal assistance
Don’t let the system beat you down, yo, don’t be indifferent

Running a business and need insurance for your ride
Check out this guide to getting business insurance on your car, don’t let it slide
Legal tips for protecting your assets and your wheels
Make sure your business is covered, that’s how it feels

Want to know about the current federal estate tax law, the ins and outs
Expert insights on how it affects your estate, no doubts
Don’t let the taxman take more than his share
Understand the law and show that you care

Legal departments need the right technology
Check out these essential tools for efficiency, it’s not just philosophy
Stay ahead of the game with the latest innovations
Don’t let your competitors make better calculations

Bullying is a serious issue, know your rights
Understand the bullying federal law and fight the fights
Legal protections and recourse for those who are harassed
Stand up for yourself, don’t let them push you to the last

Ever wonder what apo ka full form in law is all about
Understanding the meaning and importance, have no doubt
Knowledge is power, so arm yourself with the facts
Don’t let ignorance hold you back, that’s the act

Do you understand the definition of mistake of law, it’s a crucial thing
Knowing your rights and responsibilities is how you swing
Don’t make a wrong move, know what the law states
Educate yourself, don’t leave it up to fate

And finally, the minimum wage law, an example of fairness
Fair labor practices to ensure that there’s no carelessness
Protect the rights of the workers, make sure they’re treated right
Know the law and stand up for what’s right, that’s the fight